Monday, September 11, 2006



Dubrovnik is really a beautiful city, have a very unique old city center, with roads arranged in a criss-cross organized fashion (since the 12th century!), a wide main road, with many small alleys going up and down from both sides of it. There are also many tourists and tourist-traps here...

The old city in surrounded by thick walls, still standing (and also used in the last 1992 war), and you can walk around the city on them (takes around an hour), and get a wonderful view of the old and new city, the mountains on one side and the sea on the other. Also there are a few islands nearby, and I visited one of them called Lokrum, went again to a nudist beach there, this one much smaller, just a strand of beach dedicated to FKK (the german name for nudists), and also walked around the island (with clothes...), there is a nice forest all around it, and a small botanical gardens which don't look too impresive. You also get an excellent view of the old city from the island, which is just 1km away from the mainland.
It seems I can't move my flight, which means I'll have to go to Montenegro afterall. Maybe I'll go there before thursday, to have a day or two to look around. Haven't decided yet.

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